Cummins Midranges Enginge Plant Tour

Cummins Plant Tour Agenda & Safety Requirements

8:00 AM – Students to Arrive at CLD

8:30AM – Leave CLD

                      9:30AM – Arrive at CMEP

10:00AM – Tour begins

11:00AM – Tour ends

o    The tours will be 45-60mins 

11:15AM – 11:45AM – Q&A with site leadership and snacks 

12:00PM – Leave CMEP

1:00PM – Back to CLD


Safety Requirements

1)    No cameras, cell phones, or devices capable of taking pictures can be use while on the shop floor. Cell phones and cameras are required to always remain in your pockets.

a.    Use of photographic devices requires prior authorization. 

2)    Safety glasses and vests will be provided and must be always worn.

3)Proper attire must be worn by all visitors: No shorts, short skirts, open toed shoes, slick soled shoes, or heels greater than 1″ solid base.

a.    Visitors in dress shoes will have to wear anti-slip shoe covers.

b.    Please wear/bring footwear appropriate for an industrial shop.

4)    No one under the age of 12 is allowed on the shop floor.

5)    Use of tobacco products prohibited.

6)    No canes, crutches, or motorized wheelchairs are allowed on the shop floor.

7)    Everyone must always stay with the tour guide.

8)    Everyone must always stay within the designated pedestrian walkway.

a.    Visitors may not leave the walkway or touch any equipment

The Cummins Midranges Engine Plant Tour


Date: June 25, 2024


8:00 – 1:00 pm

Bus Transportation is provided to plant in Columbus, IN

Bus leaves 8:30 am

Bus Returns 1:00 pm

Program Dropoff/Pickup Location:
Center for Leadership Development
2425 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. Indianapolis, IN

Program Fee:

Registration Closed