CLD Honors Facilitators and Volunteers with Airline Tickets

Center for Leadership Development Displays Appreciation Dedicated Facilitators and Volunteers! INDIANAPOLIS– On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, the Center for Leadership Development acknowledged and recognized key classroom facilitators/volunteers who have been vital in altering the lives of Central Indiana youth. The following individuals were presented roundtrip Southwest Airlines e-passes as a token of gratitude for their […]

12th Annual CLD College Prep Conference & College Fair

INDIANAPOLIS–On Saturday, September 7, 2019 over 1,500 students in grades 8-12, parents, and mentors from across the Midwest will have an exciting opportunity to attend the 12th Annual CLD College Prep Conference and College Fair at the Indiana Convention Center, Sagamore Ballroom (100 S. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46225). At this full day interactive conference, participants will learn what it […]

Top Minority Achievers Honored; $5.2 Million in Scholarships Awarded to 71 Youth

TOP MINORITY ACHIEVERS HONORED; $5.2 MILLION IN SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED TO 71 YOUTH at Center for Leadership Development’s 39th Annual Minority Achievers Awards and Scholarship Gala presented by Title Sponsor Citizens Energy Group INDIANAPOLIS, IN– The Executive Director of the White River State Park Development Commission and a Partner at Ice Miller LLP along with 15 […]